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Significance of the Seemingly Ordinary
In the 1995 film, Smoke, Auggie Wren takes a picture of the store across the street every morning at exactly eight o'clock. "He has four thousand consecutive daily photographs of his corner all labeled by date and mounted in albums. He calls this project his "life's work." One day Auggie shows the photos to Paul, a blocked writer who is mourning the death of his wife ... Flipping page aft... posted on Mar 12 2024, 3,206 reads


Dishes in the Sink
When Bethany Renfree was 20 years-old, she lived with her three young daughters in a low-income apartment in California. Like most of the tenants, Renfree was a single mom. Life was full and overwhelming. One cold morning, as Renfree shuffled into the kitchen, she looked at the sink piled high with pots and pans and dishes. "These pots were caked in grease and burnt because I actually didn't reall... posted on Mar 10 2024, 4,622 reads


Why Boston's Wealthy Back Bay Said Yes, In Our Backyard
In a compelling tale of unity, Boston's Back Bay neighborhood turns the tables on the NIMBY ("Not In My Back Yard") phenomenon, welcoming a unique housing solution that offers much more than a roof over heads. The 140 Clarendon project, a retrofitted structure in one of Boston's priciest areas, welcomes the homeless and disadvantaged, fostering not just a sense of community, but a promising new st... posted on Mar 08 2024, 1,800 reads


Seeds of Reciprocity
How might we rekindle awe and reciprocity by remembering ourselves as extensions of the changing earth? In an era enveloped by rapid change and compounding emergencies, four vibrant individuals -- a filmmaker, author-singer, environmental justice activist, and Sufi teacher unfold a compelling conversation centering narratives of kinship amid the uncertainty of our systems today. Each discusses the... posted on Mar 05 2024, 1,742 reads


4 Habits of Effective Communicators
"Have you ever met someone who is exceptionally easy to talk to? Someone who simply through good conversation gets you to open up? Makes you feel smarter, more interesting or just understood? These are all common traits of "supercommunicators" people who are consistently able to create authentic connections with others just by listening and talking." Journalist and author Charles Duhigg outline... posted on Mar 03 2024, 3,547 reads


From Accessing Your Ignorance to Accessing Your Love
"Ed had an amazingly minimalist teaching style. He did not give lengthy lectures. He never used a superfluous word. Ed the teacher inverted the relationship between learner and educator. Normally that relationship is based on the professor knowing things that the students don't, a learning structure in which the professor conveys information and insights through lectures, discussions, and readings... posted on Mar 01 2024, 2,784 reads


Connecticut Plans to Cancel Medical Debt for Many Residents
Imagine opening an envelope in your daily mail and finding out that your medical debt has been completely wiped out. That's the reality for around 250,000 residents of Connecticut, as the state announces it will become the first to cancel $650 million in medical debt. In the U.S., medical debt is now the largest source of debt in collections; nearly 1 in 10 American adults have more than $250 in m... posted on Feb 29 2024, 1,114 reads


Lost? Here's 4 Steps to Finding Your Path
There are moments in life when we lose our sense of direction. Whether you're faced with major life-changes, a sense of dissatisfaction, or simply feel the need for some self-reflection, UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center magazine outlines four research-backed steps to finding your path, with a focus on defining your values, identifying domains in life that matter the most to you, translati... posted on Feb 27 2024, 2,808 reads


These Nepali Women Give Mt. Everest Garbage New Life
Over the years, the Himalayan mountains are increasingly overrun with waste from mountaineering activities. Nepal's Department of Tourism estimates that Mt. Everest boasts nearly 140,000 tons of waste. In 2019, the government launched a Clean Mountain Campaign ("Safa Himal Aviyan"), which has removed 108 tons of waste from Mt. Everest and nine other Himalayan mountains. Some of that waste material... posted on Feb 26 2024, 2,631 reads


With a Soft Breath: How My Daughter Rides Horses
"I've begun to teach my 3.5 year old daughter to ride horses on her own. ... I grew up with horses, and learned to ride alone at a similar age, and when I was a teenager, I began teaching others to ride around the time I was training horses and working with traumatized and "problem horses". Having grown up in the USA, I grew up surrounded by a lot of ways of being with horses that were fundamental... posted on Feb 24 2024, 7,445 reads


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I've grown old --
now my own name
rings a bell.

Billy Collins

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